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 Call for abstract is now closed. 

 We thank all the authors for submitting. 

 Selected Top 5 for poster and video has been notified. 

 Please email with your Abstract ID

should you have any enquiries regarding your abstract. 

abstract closed.png

All abstracts must be submitted online via the 19th Congress of the APFCP  and 13th Congress of the ASSR

abstract submission page.

Please read conditions before submitting your abstract:

 General Guideline

Only original studies/materials relevant to the field of coloproctology surgery will be accepted. Those already published or presented prior to the Congress of the APFCP will not be considered for presentation.


The scientific material selected for presentation at the Congress will be divided into poster and video categories.


For APFCP abstracts - The top 5 abstracts in the respective poster and video abstract category would be invited for the oral and video podium to compete for the best Poster and Video Abstract.

Once the Abstract selection process has been completed, authors whose abstracts have been accepted for Poster or Video Presentation will be notified by mid-August 2023.


Please note that only presenting authors having registered and paid for the Congress by 21 August 2023 will be included in the programme. Failure to register automatically implies that the abstract will not be included in the programme.


By submitting your abstract, you accept that you will be the presenting author, unless otherwise indicated upon submission.

 Instructions to preparing poster 

1.  Poster to be printed in maximum A0 size (841mm W x 1189mm H).
2. Please note that orientation format of your poster should be Portrait.      

  • Posters should display the abstract title, authors (Underline presenting author’s name), institutions and affiliations

  • Suggested sections of the poster include introduction and aim, methodology, results and conclusion.

  • Language : All-posters should be prepared in English.

  • Ensure text are visible (recommended font – Arial, font size 14) and graphics are sharp.

 Instructions to preparing abstracts 

1.  Abstracts must be submitted in English.

2.  Abstracts should be organized as follows:

  • Title (A short and specific title that indicates the objectives of the study. Abbreviations should be avoided in the title. The entire title can be no longer than 150 characters.)

  • Aims

  • Methods

  • Results

  • Conclusion

 - The text (not including the Title) should be no longer than 300 words

3.  Abstracts must be written as follows:

  • No blank line between paragraphs

  • Abbreviations may be used in the text only, but they must be defined on the first usage

  • References and credits are not to be included in the abstract

4.  Video files should be accompanied with the above formatted abstracts as well.

  • Video files should be no longer than 5 mins in its entirety with a maximum file size of 300Mb, including description slides if necessary.

  • Video files must be accompanied by narration in English. If it is not possible, a typed transcript of the video must be supplied with the submission. All videos should also be in the highest resolution possible, more details on accepted file types and resolution can be found here .

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